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“Our brain is designed to keep us safe, but a lot of our growth is outside of that comfort zone,” says Jeremy Abramson. He uses this as a starting point for busy professionals on attaining positive high energy and peace.

He shares several suggestions with listeners, and discusses

  • How he begins to work with successful business executives who’ve come to a place where they don’t have a clear identity,
  • What advice he gives clients regarding integrative nutrition, attaining better sleep, and heightening their brain chemistry, and
  • How he uses techniques from micro dosing to mixing medicinal mushrooms to help his clients be present in the moment and to help them stay true to their dreams.

Podcast host Jeremy Abramson is chief energy officer and founder of Thrive University. He’s a movement and mindset coach who helps executives and entrepreneurs unleash the potential that’s been held back by the constraints of societal pressures.

He takes listeners back to the beginning of his own self-awakening when he realized he needed to find a different kind of balance.

Through a series of difficult events, he realized that, “it’s a day-by-day journey of tapping in and always asking the question, what can I do today, to really facilitate more change, to facilitate more growth?” Now he helps others explore these same questions.

He works with clients who feel caught and might even be in physical pain from stress and dissatisfaction.  He helps bring about “alignment in their life, like starting from the root cause.” This comes through getting specific with their core values and what really matters to them. Then, he’s able to show them the cost they’re paying if they continue on the same path. He advises them on several levels, including working with micro dosing.

He works with what medications they may already be taking, such as SSRIs, to either supplement or reduce those medications through micro dosing and other methods.

He explains some specifics for his process and shares success stories.

Listen in for an inspiring take on how to coach others towards a better life.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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