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As businesses emerge from tax season, many ask: How can I maximize profits and minimize taxes for next year? John Scott, an Anders CPAs + Advisors partner, sits down to enlighten us.

John has been working with Anders since 1992, leading the firm’s legal industry efforts for the Virtual CFO team. He effectively uses key performance metrics to offer dedicated resources, financial insight, and critical thinking to help law firms address complex issues.

John is on a mission to help his clients understand what’s going to happen based on current data. How does he achieve this? By accessing financial records and reconciling cash flows on a weekly basis…

In this episode, we cover:

  • How to make data-driven decisions.
  • How to stay in sync with your cash flow curve.
  • Ways to determine your “working capital”, and how to build cash reserves.
  • Key factors that every business owner should know.

To learn more about John and his work with Anders CPAs + Advisors, click here now!

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