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Stress-related conditions affect a vast array of individuals. Many health professionals are finding innovative and effective ways to not only manage these disorders, but also prevent them from happening.

In this episode, we connect with Dr. Glenn R. Schiraldi. Dr. Schiraldi is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.

S. Army Reserves, Adjunct Professor at The University of Maryland School of Public Health, Author, and founder of Resilience Training International.

Throughout his career in public health, Dr. Schiraldi has primarily focused his research on preventing stress-related mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Tune in now to hear Dr. Schiraldi discuss:

  • What resilience training is, and how it helps individuals who suffer from stress conditions.
  • Types of adult and childhood trauma that contribute to medical and psychological diseases.
  • The benefits of implementing effective stress management practices.

This episode is sponsored by Viome. Use the code GENIUS to get an extra $20 off on Health Intelligence Test. Check it out now: Viome

You can find out more about Dr. Schiraldi and his approach by visiting

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