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“If you don’t track it you can’t improve it… and you can’t pay enough people to go through the data fast enough to get a handle on it…but every other industry in the world…has switched over to sensors that drive software…which produces ten times the results you could ever get out of humans in the blink of an eye,” says Brett Chell, founder of Cold Bore Technology.

The company began as a manufacturer of drilling tools, and it was through that line of work that the team at Cold Bore Technology made a realization which would completely change the focus of their efforts: frack locations were missing the operating systems and IOT software that drilling locations—and really every industry in the world—rely upon for efficient, accurate data collection and operations.

Instead, they’ve been relying upon the manual collection of data with the use of notebooks and Excel sheets—an inefficient method with tons of room for errors which could end up costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Fracking operations are complex and involve several service companies acting independently but simultaneously; this creates a constant flow of important data which must be accurately captured and organized in order for mistakes and inefficiencies to be identified and corrected.

Cold Bore Technology is offering a solution that will allow for exactly this.

Despite being just a small to mid-sized company, they are now working with some of the largest oil companies in the world, delivering a sensor-based software solution and level of automation never before seen in the field.

The results? Greater operational visibility, the ability to identify important and costly errors that would otherwise continue to happen, less expensive and more efficient operations, and the ability to move data through businesses seamlessly and without anyone touching it.

Learn more by visiting coldboretechnology.


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