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The impact microplastics have on the environment is still being uncovered by scientists.

As we learn more about this problem, many researchers are taking proactive steps to mitigate this issue before it’s too late.

Kristi L. Trail is the Executive Director of Pontchartrain Conservancy, a New Orleans-based foundation that is working to create an environmentally sustainable, prosperous, and resilient region. Pontchartrain Conservancy utilizes scientific research, education, and advocacy in order to bring awareness and sustainable care to the Pontchartrain estuary in south-eastern Louisiana.

Listen now as Kristi Trail discusses topics such as:

  • The microplastic concentration in the Pontchartrain estuary, and the impact this may have on the marine ecosystem.
  • What triggered the awareness of microplastics in the south-eastern Louisiana area.
  • What defines microplastics, and how they reveal themselves in nature.

This episode is sponsored by Bowmar Nutrition. To receive a 5% discount, use the code GENIUS5 at checkout. Go to to shop now!

Is there a way to control the growing problem of microplastic contamination? Find out now from a frontline researcher!

To learn more about Pontchartrain Conservatory and its work, you can visit

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