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Join us for an enlightening episode as we welcome Jon D. Levenson, the esteemed Albert A. List Professor of Jewish Studies at Harvard University and author of several publications, including the books Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life, and The Love of God: Divine Gift, Human Gratitude, and Mutual Faithfulness in Judaism.

Exploring both literary and theological dimensions, Professor Levenson unveils the rich tapestry of Judaism’s history and its resonance across descendant religions. Bringing his expertise in Judaism, the Hebrew language, biblical interpretation, and rabbinic literature, he offers unparalleled insights into these subjects.

Tune in to explore:

  • The relationship between Aramaic and Hebrew
  • A unique perspective on the difference between language and dialect
  • Clarifications on Jewish perspectives regarding resurrection and the notion behind the immortality of the soul

Press play now to hear the full conversation.

For more on Levenson’s work and publications, check out Jon D. Levenson | Harvard Divinity School (HDS).

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