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IdentityMind provides software to various financial institutions, money transmitters and money service organizations, including Bitcoin exchanges. The purpose of the software is to help companies meet Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) government requirements.

Most recently, IdentityMind has begun to put more focus on Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and Security Token Offerings (STO).

In order to be successful and go the distance to fund a business or purpose, ICOs and token sales must meet all government requirements and comply with all money laundering rules and regulations. It can be a daunting task for anyone, especially when you should be focusing on the ICO itself.

IdentityMind’s latest plug-in software is where the solution may be. Their digital currency, regulatory, and risk management experience, can take the regulatory work off your plate. The plug-in operates a system of checks and balances preventing your ICO from running in countries you are not allowed to, or perhaps wouldn’t want to, do business. It also provides a turnkey SaaS solution that performs a KYC and AML checks on prospective ICO participants and ensures you are government needs in most countries.

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