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Companies spend far too much time and money searching for the “right” person to fill positions, only to find out down the line, they made the wrong choice. Toptal, a distributed network with top blockchain developers, engineers, and consultants, is taking this responsibility that business owners, Human Resource Departments and managers often struggle with, off their plate.

In this interview, Luka Horvat, Head of Talent Operations at Toptal, explains how they are connecting the top 3% of freelance talent in various sectors, including blockchain, from all over the world.

Toptal matches clients requests with top tier individuals through heavy vetting, skills testing, as well as a matching service that ensures companies are finding that “right” person for the job. This results in time and energy saved in the hunt for that “right” person.

Toptal client needs for blockchain expertise has dramatically jumped in the past several years. To survive and thrive, the industry must find the right individuals who are highly qualified in the space as the demand continues to grow.

The entire blockchain industry is hitting a talent bottleneck,” says Luka Horvat. “Toptal’s world-class screening process, combined with specialist training for its existing elite developer network, will support future demand for blockchain talent at scale.”

Toptal is doing the heavy lifting for companies, saving them time and money, ensuring the talent they match with an organization not only talks the talk, but can also walk the walk.

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