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Cardiovascular disease is among the leading causes of death in the United States, which begs the question: How can we prevent heart disease before it’s too late? Many medical professionals believe that lifestyle and diet are the best places to start . . .

In this episode, we connect with Dr. Raj K. Anand, author of A Practical Approach to EKG Interpretation. In this book, Dr. Anand explores how both a healthy diet and mindfulness can prevent coronary heart disease.

In addition to being an accomplished author, Dr. Arnand also served for 41 years at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and invented the “Thermo-Electric Angioplasty Catheter”.

Join us as Dr. Anand talks about:

  • What led him to write A Practical Approach to EKG Interpretation.
  • The concepts within the book that are geared toward helping people’s lifestyles.
  • The importance of slowly shifting your diet.
  • Which foods you should avoid eating.
This episode is sponsored by SelfDecode. Get started for free with an existing DNA file or order a DNA kit at 25% off with code GENIUS. Start optimizing your health today at now!

Are you willing to do what it takes to build a healthy heart and mind?

If so, Dr. Anand is certainly worth listening to!

To learn more about Dr. Raj K. Anand and his approach to wellness, you can visit his website at

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