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How can the weight loss industry be reimagined to benefit those struggling with a healthy lifestyle?

Through new techniques and understanding of health gained in new business models, effective weight loss and lifestyle improvements are more available than ever.

Press play to learn:

  • What “brown fat’ is
  • How your body resists diet plans
  • Which supplements can be more effective than others

Dave Sherwin, Founder of the Dirobi Health Show, certified fitness nutrition coach and entrepreneur stops by to share his experience helping thousands of people achieve the healthy lifestyle they desire.

Drastic health changes are often not sustainable, and historically, one of the most challenging portions of losing weight through a diet is keeping it off after the program has ended. However, by turning this model on its head and implementing the maintenance techniques throughout the diet plan, many more people have successfully maintained healthy habits.

Those seeking to reinvent their health and lifestyle have faced challenges that may not have been previously involved in a typical diet and weight loss plan.

However, by accounting for factors like sleep and other often overlooked but essential keys, the complete image of a healthy lifestyle can be found.

Visit dirobi to learn more.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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