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Grief is a painful journey that can feel isolating and endless. So what tools can we use to process grief, experience its pain, and ultimately learn how to live fully again? Claudia Coenen, a creative grief counselor and certified thanatologist, joins the podcast to discuss her unique perspective on this sensitive topic.

Claudia has a private practice at The Karuna Project and is a consultant and grief specialist at The REACH Center for Crime Victims. She is also the author of Shattered by Grief: Picking Up the Pieces to Become WHOLE Again, a book that helps readers work through their grief via expressive therapies and activities.

Tune in now to learn about:

  • How to deal with different types of grief.
  • Factors that help and hinder the process of grief.
  • The most impactful ways to manage grief.
  • The ways that journaling can help people externalize their pain.

By encouraging others to explore their pain through storytelling, self-care and ritual, and honest reflection, Claudia has achieved remarkable results. This creative approach to grief counseling was inspired by her own experience of loss – and she’s eager to share it with the world…

You can learn more about Claudia by clicking here!

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