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Jason has over fifteen years of financial as well as technical experience. He has spent seven years managing different software technologies at BlackBerry. Being involved in Bitcoin since 2012, his focus is on spurring adoption across Canada while assisting blockchain start-ups on an international level. His belief in free and honest money, passion for financial education and love of all things digital is what has led him to establish Crypto Consultant.

Now, CryptoConsultant is growing—and changing. More and more people are wondering how Blockchain technology can be applied to their existing industry. This is an increasingly relevant question. Because for Jason, society is dominated by networks, and the Blockchain leverages those networks more powerfully than ever before. “That’s part of the consultancy,” explains Jason. “We try to identify and build what we believe to be the dominant networks, or Blockchains, of the future.”

Tune in to hear more about CryptoConsultant, and the work Jason Cassidy is doing. Subscribe, review, and if you can, donate some BitCoin to the cause. Every little bit helps.

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