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Pain is a complicated and subjective experience that varies greatly from person to person. Arguably one of the most significant human health problems, pain is a signal from your nervous system indicating something isn’t right – and as we all know, it is a deeply unpleasant feeling.

In this episode, we sit down with Jeffrey Mogil, the E. P. Taylor Chair in Pain Studies at McGill University’s Department of Psychology. As someone who has always been fascinated by the science of pain, Jeffrey focuses his research on the nervous system mechanisms that mediate the perception and inhibition of pain.

What fascinating discoveries has Jeffrey made in the field of pain science? Jump in now to find out…

In this conversation, we cover:

  • Statistics related to chronic pain.
  • The main reasons why people have chronic pain.
  • How to characterize different types of pain.
  • The scales that researchers use to quantify pain.
  • How various pain drugs work.

To learn more about Jeffrey and his research, click here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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