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Clément Decrop joins us in this episode to discuss his latest book, The Idea Space: The Science of Awakening Your Non-Self. In this fascinating book, Clément offers a groundbreaking, scientific approach to understanding the mind. The Idea Space invites readers to view their thoughts objectively and identify their impact –  thus uncovering a happier existence and a deeper understanding of life’s purpose. 

Clément is a Belgian-born author and inventor who moved to the United States with his family at the age of six. Since then, he has led wellness events for thousands of participants across the globe. He is knowledgeable on the topics of mindfulness, sleep, exercise, and nutrition. He has also submitted more than 130 patent disclosures in one year, of which 50-plus are filed and 12-plus are issued.

Join us now to explore:

  • What inspired The Idea Space, and how to experience it for yourself. 
  • The three major subjects that have stood the test of time, and how they’ve impacted human consciousness. 
  • How the human mind fits into the rest of the universe around us. 
  • What the “science of the first-person” is, and the tools we need to study it. 
  • The key to finding valuable thoughts. 

Click here to learn more about Clément and his intriguing work!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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