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Dan Abbate, CEO and cofounder of EIGHTY ONE-c (, provides a complete overview of blockchain, security, and the new developing markets.

Abbate is a skilled entrepreneur and investor who has specialized in business process automation via advanced technology and organizational development. Throughout his illustrious career, Abbate has helped many innovative businesses overcome systemic challenges and advance forward with important, critical decisions regarding growth, revenue, operational performance, automation, profitability, systemization, organizational improvement, and much more.

Abbate earned a degree from DePaul University in Philosophy and Business, and has continued his education at The Wharton School studying complex operations and financial performance.

Abbate talks about his background in 90s internet tech and how he organically moved into the crypto and blockchain area.

He connected with the early movement and kept his eye on the crypto markets all along. He explains how he knew the underlying technology of blockchain, with its simplicity for ensuring security, would eventually come to dominate certain areas of transactional business.

Abbate discusses the many and varied regulations that have shaped the industry. He discusses the regulatory space in detail, and explains how it hasn’t really changed with the times. He explains the structure of his company, 81-c, and its primary objectives. Since its inception in 2016, 81-c has sought to acquire solid companies that generate cash flow, and improve them.

But in 2017, Abbate made the decision to securitize their portfolio and build an operating company that was backed by the new blockchain technology.

And in 2018, as the SEC stepped in and made everything a security, it became clear that they could take their operating company and utilize the blockchain to push forward in transactional business.

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