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Labster is a company that is trying to change science education and the way people engage with it, hoping to empower the next generation of scientists to change the world. With 70 virtual reality simulations already running on the Labster platform, users can choose from a variety of scenarios to enter, each of which heavily engages the student in every step of an experiment or project.“Not everyone has access to a lab, but in this way, we bring it to the student’s lap,” says Maaroof Fakhri, who works as a project lead in the virtual reality section of Labster.

Designed primarily for students in grades K-12, the most popular modules are those covering material that helps students transfer from late high school to early college, and are frequently used by teachers and universities to help students review certain material.

Studies show that when compared to traditional methods of learning, the use of Labster simulations resulted in a 76% increase in learning.

To learn more or check out the simulations for yourself, visit www.

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