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Having seen the problems that plague unbanked migrants and their families first-hand, LaLa World has created a true ecosystem where unbanked migrants and their families can have access to financial tools, and basic employment services and education through their worldwide partners.

The ecosystem is based on the LaLa Wallet, which provides each user with an ID and a LaLa score, which can be used as digital identity verification with their partner organizations. The LaLa Wallet has four basic products–LALA Bill Pay, which allows users to make local and international bill payments; LALA Transfer, a global remittance system; LALA Card, a crypto and fiat currency card that is synced to the users’s Wallet; and LALA Lend, a microloan provider.

LaLa World also has the LALA Kit, which gives users a cell phone, SIM card, and insurance in order to get them started. LaLa World is already up and running in several countries around the world, with over 1 million users.

Users are incentivized to keep using the platform through the LaLa Token, which will be starting an ICO soon.

In the future, LaLa World plans to expand to more countries, and give users the ability to manage their healthcare and healthcare data through the platform as well.

For more information, visit www.

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