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Most attorneys aspire to one day author a book…to put all of the knowledge and expertise they’ve compiled over the years into a concise, informative, and easy-to-read guide for prospective clients and the public at large. Attorneys want this because they know the benefits are numerous, but nevertheless, they simply don’t have the time to actually sit down and put pen to paper.

On today’s episode, Richard Jacobs of Speakeasy Marketing, Inc. is joined by Tracy Merda to discuss how you can author a book by putting in a couple hours’ worth of your time and simply speaking it. The Speak-a-Book™ method has helped hundreds of attorneys harness the authority that comes with being an author, and the returns are proving to be lucrative. In addition to differentiating you from the others, having your own book to reference will significantly influence the way others perceive your authority and expertise, demonstrate to clients your worth (and one more reason why they should retain your services), allow you to command higher fees, elevate your status as an attorney in your area of practice, bring in many new referrals, increase your chances of being featured in the media, and allow you to hand out copies to hundreds of colleagues and prospective clients almost anywhere you go, for free.

This isn’t a long process; within 30-60 days, you could have a published book that translates to profit for years to come. Tune in for more information, and visit

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