Richard Jacobs: Hello. This is Richard Jacobs with the Finding Genius podcast. My guest today is Gina Bria. She’s a founder of The Hydration Foundation. She’s also an anthropologist. And we’re going to talk about plants and how they interact with water and the apparently strange things they do with besides just taking water in and using it as a nutrient. So Gina, thanks for coming.
Gina Bria: Wow. I can’t wait to share this information. Boy, do we need to get this out there?
Richard Jacobs: Okay. Well, what have you figured out about water itself that’s is not the norm? That’s above and beyond the norm.
Gina Bria: Yeah. I can’t wait to share. So this story starts with myself as an anthropologist and coming to the question, why I was looking at desert communities around the globe and how they were hydrating and I kept stumbling across this issue of why are they not dead without eight glasses of water a day? We all know we have to have eight glasses of water. This is standard medical information. So the thrilling part of this story is finding out they were not using the liquid to hydrate with, they were using plants. So then I had to find out, well, what the heck is in the plant. So if you think about something like aloe or cactus Alovera or cactus or even tubers underground these are nature’s storage systems for concentrated water. And this water has a more gel light quality of course cactus, you’d recognize Alovera. And so I was just determined to find out what that gel-like material actually was and why it seemed to be hydrating more effectively than liquid because the desert communities weren’t eating as much as we are converse to what we are drinking in our cultures.
Richard Jacobs: They eat like desert plants?
Gina Bria: Yes.
Richard Jacobs: Do they drink any water or they just?
Gina Bria: Yeah, but limited, very limited. And of course, if you think of something like camel’s milk. What I discovered Richard is in by contacting, these are really lineages that are quite extraordinary that we somehow stumble into. But I was fortunate enough to contact Dr. Gerald Pollack at the University of Washington who was just released research on a new form of water. And it’s a concentrated form of water called structured water or ordered water, coherent water, easy water, coherent domain water, liquid crystal clean water. Now we have so many scientists now identifying that we actually have multiple names for it, but in essence, the desert plant had found a very smart, a very strategic way to concentrate the water to save it and make it more available through an extended period of time. And Dr. Pollock was able to confirm, you know, you make those one-lifetime changing phone calls. He was able to confirm that, yes, indeed. What that material inside cactus and Alovera is actually, well, it’s straight-up water. It’s just a form of water. We hadn’t yet identified as a fourth phase. And that happens because the water molecules inside those plants literally move closer to each other and then start sharing electrons. And that’s when all the exciting stuff happens.
Richard Jacobs: If you look at the water content of the plants that these people are eating, is it still not enough to sustain somebody? Is that why you’re thinking that this is so important?
Gina Bria: Yeah. So this water is more hydrating than water from our tap or water from bottles that we’re using, or water in liquid form. Now it’s still in the liquid. This state of water is a very, very extended state of water. So it goes all the way from only 10% more viscous than liquid. So that it’s just a slightly silkier feel. And in fact, it can even be in the saline form or all the way to something like bone broth, very jello-like gelatinous. And then even when you add the temperature issues all the way to ice. So this liquid crystalline state is a very long stage of water phase of water and it allows multiple biological works to happen that doesn’t happen in the disordered, disorganized, unstructured form of liquid water. And actually we’re in contact with ordered water or easy water as Dr. Pollock likes to call it, which stands for exclusion zone. And I’ll re-render a little bit more about that in a minute cause it’s very important right now while we’re facing so many ecological challenges.
Richard Jacobs: Quick question here, are you able to create the easy water and drink it or at least feel it?
Gina Bria: Yes, this is very exciting. So, and this is my work at The Hydration Foundation is to share this really vital way to get water into this state, which is actually its natural state and the state that water is seeking its water will find in the hydrological cycle itself going towards this state. Because this is how it purifies itself and cleanses itself and activates itself in the hydrological cycle on the planet and also inside our biological system. So when we use tap or bottled water, this is water that basically it’s been interfered with. We’ve stopped that process from happening, that natural process, and there are some very easy ways to get that process back up and running. By the way, we also irrigate all our fields with non-structured water, with water that doesn’t have these shared molecules that then create an electric charge. And we all know water conducts electricity. So the goal of water is to conduct electricity and information as well. But we’re not applying that water to the soils and the crops and the fields, nor are we drinking that for our own high function inside our bodies. So there are several ways to get because nature loves to create the opportunity for this water to be made because it’s trying to seek its natural state. There are multiple ways I exposure to sunlight is one way. Spin, any kind of water tumbling down the mountains. Any kind of vortexing or spin will get those molecules closer to each other so they can start sharing molecules, electrons I mean then contact with minerals. So mineral water is different from tap water, highly different.
It brings down consumption. We have a study out of Germany that you can knock two glasses of water off that prescription. Get down to a liter and a half or about six cups just by switching to mineral water. You can also add salt, which is a trace mineral. So if you use a good quality sea salt, you can then start that electrical cascade in your glass of water right there while you’re sitting at a restaurant or you’re at your home table or you are bringing a bottle of water out to go running. You throw some salts in there, it makes a substantial difference. We have studies out of the sports industry showing that reduced need for water by two thirds.
Richard Jacobs: That’s just drinking water, more of it, less of it. If you think about salt, do you think that in terms of replacing some of my electrolytes, making sure I have enough salt, you’re saying it changes the nature of the water itself? It’s more effective for your body?
Gina Bria: Yes. I’m saying not only does it provide your body with electrolytes, but it’s changing that water literally into a phase which now ignites that capacity for electrical, high coherent electrical conduction. So the difference between say drinking water from your tap, where you’re going to get moisten, you’re going to get some level of hydration, but the water you’re drinking is coming in an incoherent state. The molecules aren’t organized in any way. Your body then has to do the work of lining up all those molecules so that it can find people who actually drink a lot of bottled and tap water and using up the resources within them. And yet that’s how you can end up actually dehydrated. So extraordinary things we’re finding and very important to get this information out, especially for our elderly.
Richard Jacobs: Well, what’s your experience in drinking easy water and how is it prepared, and then what happened?
Gina Bria: Right. So once I had that conversation with Dr. Pollick, poor man, I started calling him back and I’m like, Hey, what do you know about hydration? And he’s like, well, I’m a water scientist. I look at the water molecule. The level at which I’m looking I don’t know the level of hydration that involves. And I said, well we’ve got to collaborate. I mean, gosh, you’re sitting on hugely important information. I’m confirming that from my experience looking at desert communities and seeing that they are very well hydrated and very well served by the food they eat. And then he jumped in and said yes because it isn’t just desert plants that have this structured water within them. It is all sorts of plants, all living cells. So plants of any kind, in other words, ingesting plants, and Apple is going to be more hydrating than the kind of water we typically think of to hydrate with like that water from your tap, glass of water that could the constant prescription.
So what happened to me when I started practicing that is, of course, I saw my need for hydration from those eight glasses a day, which by the way, is so hard to achieve anyway. But I found that ingesting an Apple watching my fresh fruit and vegetable consumption go up, adding salt to my water, or even something like an Apple cider vinegar or even teabag, all these ways in which the water contacts biological material, which Dr. Pollock said were hydrophilic, excites and engages a whole new level of water dynamo. And that dynamism then drives how our proteins fold and unfold inside the cell structure. Intracellular hydration changes, your health benefits go across the board at every possible level.
Richard Jacobs: Well, how do you know that’s what kind of experimentation have you done?
Gina Bria: Great. So I’m happy to share. I’ve co-authored a book with an MD and integrative physician by the name of Dr. Dana Cohen. She’s based in New York City and she has done the clinical work showing that the ingestion of a high vegetable and fruit diet does create new levels of health. And that’s my personal experience with her. We wrote a book called the five-day plan to hydration, and then we included 50 recipes using smoothies and soups, gazpachos. Even something like a chia pudding is a profoundly hydrating made with coconut milk and chia seeds. These are strategies that we wanted to find very easy ways to get people helping. We also have a study out of Germany that was done with the mineral water and she used smoothies as well and I think it was an 80 person study and what’s great about that study is it is across the board. What they did is looked at not just diabetes patients or cognitive decline, but they looked at all categories. And the news from that study was looking at the heightened, very heightened antioxidant effects, which would make sense of how the water molecule event activates all across the board efficiency in the cells. So I love to notice, especially cognitive function because the cognitive function we know dissipates with a tube only a 2% decline in hydration. We have plenty of studies showing, wow, you’re not hydrated enough and we don’t really know what that number is because it’s very personal, you are your own personal biology, but you will notice that you get that afternoon fog, right? Or fatigue is another great indicator that if you hit three o’clock and you have used up your hydration for the day. So what I like to think about is how do we optimize hydration? Instead of thinking about dehydration all the time, let’s have a conversation about hydration and what it does to your cognitive function.
Richard Jacobs: What can you do when you feel that fuzziness?
Gina Bria: Yeah. Apple, salad, believe it or not, leafy greens are 98% beautifully purified and structured water ready to go, packaged by nature. They’re profound in their help. All kinds of teas. Any kind of biological agents like a teabag or a slice of cucumber in your water bottle or just eating those foods are going to bring up efficiently your hydration and then kick into your electrical conductivity. So 80% of your brain is electrical activity. So I’d like to add Rich that we have environments. So speaking as an anthropologist and looking at environments that people live in are deeply dehydrated. We’re always indoors. The air-conditioned or heated. We’re eating processed foods, we’re on high prescriptions, and prescriptions are very dehydrating and now add on the electrical devices which have a big hit on our hydration. So we have to add to our hydration. Cars commute to airplanes, all the ways in which we live our life means we’re operating on percentage hits on our hydration at every turn of our day. And we yet we can’t go back and guzzle ever more water, which was the strategy that was presented. So using food to hydrate is going to be really a new system for getting more efficient, hydrating with less strings. And then you add to those new strategies that Dr. Pollock has identified in his laboratory. For example, using infrared light. We know that it accelerates the exchange of the electrons and allows more efficient conductivity of electricity, which is really what hydration. That’s what water’s for. It’s the information carrier. It’s the deliverier, it’s the orchestrator. So getting your system running way more efficiently is what our strategies are about using infrared lights, infrared saunas, or lamps. I have an infrared lamp I use here at my house. Very simple. I always sleep better after a little 15 minute reading in bed with my infrared lamp on. You can’t get better than that, I’m telling you.
Richard Jacobs: Quick question. So have you been able to make a device or something that can create the easy water that you can then drink without having to- I mean, of course, you’d nicer to just eat an apple or something, but-
Gina Bria: Yes. And I also use these personally, so they’re very dear to me. But I have a vortex, a funnel. It’s so simple. Richard is simply a plastics vortex. It’s a funnel that has a series of ceramic balls inside that are faceted, that allows the water to spin from the time it put the water from the tap at the top of the funnel on its about six inches long. It comes out the bottom and by then the molecules have moved closer to each other that they are now in this structured state. And you can taste it too. It’s a slightly silkier feel. You can actually get that mouth feel and know that it’s a different quality of water that you’re drinking. In fact, my sponsor at The Hydration Foundation is the Wellness Enterprise and I’ve looked at their spin funnels and been using them for a long time because they’re so simple. There are no filters. There’s no electricity. This is just a small funnel you can carry with you anywhere. And that that vortex, they really make a big difference in the experience of our water. And therefore the experience of our own.
Richard Jacobs: I mean you just put the water through a vortex funnel and then it’s different. You don’t need to add anything or what?
Gina Bria: You don’t need to add anything. This is just using the principles discovered in Dr. Pollock’s laboratory, which I’ve been trained in by the way. Thank you, Dr. Pollock. He’s been incredible from that one phone call where I’m sure he thought I was a crazy lady to the point where The Hydration Foundation is one of the leading authorities on structured water and how to spread the application as science. We work on regenerative agriculture now using spin funnels, simple spin funnels on irrigation systems. And in that way, we bring electrical function back to whole microbial soils that have been diminished by water that just flushes out the value of that land from the beginning, cause we didn’t really recognize the difference between water in this liquid state unordered disorganized state and which we’ve done to it by pressurizing it through pipes and water chemistry treatments that we interfered with that cycle of nature. So we love at The Hydration Foundation to accelerate the work of water in the world, especially around regenerative agriculture practices and getting all that glyphosate out, getting all those contaminants out of the soil so that we can get back to beautiful fruits and vegetables and hydrate through those. So it’s a full circle.
Richard Jacobs: What’s the best way to be able to find out more about The Hydration Foundation then starting with some of these techniques to help?
Gina Bria: Yeah, so I will say our foundation, We named it that to rhyme it. So it’s easy to remember. And we’re an org. So, we’re easy to find that way. And you can always write to me You’ll come to the website and you’ll find we just have a summit of 30 of the top thinkers, doctors, and scientists, including Dr. Pollock, Dr. Zach Bush, Joe Mercola, David Asprey, the biohacker we did the rolling McCrady from HeartMath. I mean our best colleagues came together to put a summit up for people so that they would find multiple ways to hydrate through the concept of structured water. And those are all free on our website and we beg you to register and see some of these amazing, every interview comes with a different strategy for hydration at different techniques than just drinking water. And then through that beautiful summit, we donate the simple funnel devices directly to farmers. So you can even nominate a farmer and get that soils recovered so that we get back to ecological balance. And we aren’t having all these raging bacterial and viral infections sweeping the world. Because we’ve got ecological balance back. And that’s a big, big challenge. But it’s very doable. Very doable.
Richard Jacobs: Very good. Well, Gina, it’s interesting. Thank you for coming. And I know I need to check it out more instead of listening to literally, literally experience itself.
Gina Bria: Yeah. So I wanted to leave you with a recipe because that’s what’s cool. Every opportunity to apply this science and it’s sitting there for us. It isn’t light. It’s some, you know lab locked place. So this is on the theme that hydration really is our immunity. That’s how we get done with what we do.
And we’ve got a recipe called Corona knocked down, which is so simple. It’s really fun. And it’s on our website as well, but it’s an Apple and a handful of blueberries frozen or fresh. The apple, its fiber, and it’s packed in along with the structured water will time-release hydration your system. And then the blueberries of course, proven antioxidant power. And then four leaves of fresh Basel cause they are 98% purified water. They’re honored and revered for their medicinal power. And then a half a teaspoon of grated ginger highly anti-inflammatory. Just to give it some zip. And then two cups of mineral water. We talked about the mineral water, or if you don’t have that, just add a pinch of salt. Like an eighth of a teaspoon of sea salt. That’s natural electrolytes. They bring the electrical charge, but that electrical charge actually repels viral particles from cell receptors. They can’t get in there because the garage door is closed. So all of these things together make multiple levels of both hydration and electrical protection in our system. So we love sharing things like that and we’re so grateful to share this.
Richard Jacobs: Okay. Thank you Gina.
Gina Bria: Yes. Keep finding geniuses. That’s super cool.
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