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Erik Rind, the founder and CEO of ImagineBC, delivers an informative overview of blockchain and the new technology that is helping users control their data.

As an experienced technology executive, Erik is passionate about the digital community and the technology tools that enhance it. Erik talks about the ImagineBC experience. In the ImagineBC community, users are able to have control over their personal information in ways they may not have imagined possible. The ImagineBC platform is built on blockchain security, and thus empowers people to shop how they want, safely and securely. Essentially, they are innovators in the space and as such, they aspire to do for blockchain what “You’ve got mail” did for the internet.

Erik talks about his background as a technologist writing software in the HCM space (human capital management) such as payroll, HR, and benefits administration. Erik’s love for history combined with his skill in software development was the foundation for his company, ImagineBC. After some initial doubts about the power of blockchain, then copious amounts of research, Erik came to the conclusion that blockchain’s potential for peer to peer commerce was enormous, “game-changing,” as he describes it. Erik talks about bitcoin and currency, but he stresses that ImagineBC is not a ‘crypto play,’ but is, in fact, a US dollar-based community.

The technology expert talks about their upcoming launch, and where ImagineBC is in their launch process.

He discusses some potential clients who are interested in the ImagineBC platform, and how they can get more bang for their buck in advertising leads. Erik explains their community and how they interact with information, and how ads can become targeted, precisely connecting with real leads that are worth the time to pursue.

The technologist discusses some of their partners in the health field, and how data is utilized in a secure manner. As Erik recounts some companies betray the trust of their clients by selling their data, but ImagineBC seeks to help users control their personal information, to control how it is used, and be free to monetize it for their own benefit, not some big corporation’s benefit. As the ImagineBC website touts, “The status quo says it’s okay that Facebook and Google profit from your data. We say that money should go in your pocket.”

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