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By combining the knowledge, tools, and approaches of computer science, engineering, and environmental studies, several students at the Data Science Institute at the University of Virginia are implementing drones in the collection of geospatial data involving ozone levels across the Blue Ridge Mountains. This is just one example of the practical applications of interdisciplinary studies, and the nature of the work being led by Philip E.

Bourne, who serves as Stephenson Chair of Data Science, Director of the Data Science Institute, and professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Virginia.

Intrigued by the development of data science and its increasing number of important applications in modern society, Dr.

Bourne runs an institute that thrives off of the benefits of interdisciplinary work and carries out projects in the fields of digital humanities, social sciences, finance, transportation, environmental studies, biomedicine, and engineering.

Dr. Bourne discusses a variety of exciting topics, including aspects of evolutionary computation, what distinguishes data science from computer science, ethics associated with the use of data, the connection between the study of proteins and precision medicine, and how an analysis of electronic health record and DMV data could lead to more accurate, potentially life-saving interventions in trauma surgery.

Tune in for the full conversation and reach out with questions via email at

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