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Natural Health Experts Natural Health Experts
Medtech Impact on Wellness

Joining us today is Dr. Ellen Cutler, a bestselling author and an internationally recognized teacher, public speaker, and media spokesperson. Practicing as a chiropractor, alternative health care practitioner, and teacher for over 40 years, Dr. Cutler is a holistic doctor who helps patients optimize their body’s ability to self-heal by combining several natural methods…

Dr. Cutler created her own revolutionary system of natural healing: The Ellen Cutler Method (ECM). Based on years of research, clinical findings, and patient feedback, this method has helped many individuals reverse chronic ailments and achieve an overall sense of wellness. 

So, how can enzyme-based therapy and other nutrition detoxification impact your body’s health? Tune in now to see for yourself! 

Dr. Ellen Cutler is a bestselling author and an internationally recognized teacher, public speaker, and media spokesperson. Her books include “MicroMiracles — Discover the Healing Power of Enzymes,” coming soon in a revised, expanded edition. She has a chiropractic degree and specializes in the use of desensitization of food and other sensitivities, gentle detoxification, and enzyme and nutritional therapies for chronic conditions that have perplexed the conventional medical establishment. This is all addressed in her revolutionary healing technique, ECM (Ellen Cutler Method). Dr. Ellen’s Way Digest Supreme and G.I. Calm on sale on our website.

Jump in now to discover:

  • What the ECM is, and how it helps others. 
  • How digestive enzymes can benefit your overall health.
  • Why the gut is such an important part of the body. 
  • How you can tell if you need enzyme-based therapy.

Want to find out more about Dr. Cutler and her work? Click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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