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Is the average mental health of society deteriorating? Based on unfortunate new statistics and behaviors among young people, it may be the case.

Listen in to learn:

  • The common causes of depression and anxiety in young people
  • The type of research Véronique Tomaszewski engages in
  • What sets Gestalt therapy apart

Véronique Tomaszewski, a pre-licensed clinician at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto and a member of the Canadian Association of Psychodynamic Therapy, shares her experience helping patients cope with growing feelings of anxiety and depression.

Since young people are faced with increasingly complex issues, there is an increase in the severity of anxiety and depression.

Therefore, whether it is genetic or situation-based, the need for coping strategies and solutions continues to grow.

One set of ideas that have been successful in helping people of all ages is personal growth through mindfulness and various other strategies. Additionally, Gestalt therapy techniques have shown great promise when it is used to enhance mental health.

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