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In this conversation, we connect with William Varner, a professor of biblical languages and Bible exposition at The Master’s University and former director of the IBEX program. With three master’s degrees, a doctorate, and seven years of pastoral experience in Pennsylvania, William’s academic and spiritual journey took a transformative turn during his first trip to Israel — a journey that reshaped his entire approach to ministry.

William has authored a rich array of works, including The Chariot of Israel: Exploits of the Prophet Elijah, The Way of the Didache, and Handbook for Praying Scripture. With over 100 articles published in both academic journals and popular magazines, his expertise is widely recognized in academic and Biblical communities alike. His 17 years of experience in Jewish ministry in Israel have endowed him with profound insights into the geography and history of the region, which he shares with students from across the world to this day….

Jump in now to find out: 

  • What attracted William to Biblical studies. 
  • An inside look at William’s faith journey.
  • How Christians are perceived and treated in secular environments. 
  • The eye-opening experience of witnessing Biblical monuments in person. 

Want to learn more about William and his work? Click here now!

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