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In this episode, we sit down with relaxation expert Craig Goldberg to discuss the benefits of sound therapy. As a Certified Vibroacoustic Therapist, Craig regularly hosts events and speaks on the Science of Mindfulness, the efficacy of Essential Oils, nutrition, and Living a Healthy Life.

Craig considers himself an evangelist for vibroacoustic therapy, and as the Co-Founder of inHarmony, he is on a mission to help people improve their health – all through science, technology & knowledge. If you’re seeking holistic advice on health, wellness, longevity, and biohacking, Craig is certainly the person to turn to…

Magnesium is integral for 600+ biochemical processes in the human body. The common misconception is that consuming more magnesium will automatically improve health and well-being. The truth is that there are various forms of magnesium, each of which is essential for a variety of physiological processes. Most people are inadequate in all forms of magnesium, while even those considered “healthy” typically only ingest 1 or 2 kinds. Consuming all 7 of magnesium’s primary forms is the key to accessing all its health benefits.That’s why we packed 7 forms of 450mg of elemental magnesium into each serving of  Wild Mag Complex. One dose a day is all you need. Learn more and grab a bottle today at Use code GENIUS for 10% off your order.

Join us now to discover:

  • What sound therapy is, and how it can help people.
  • Why Americans’ nervous system health is declining. 
  • How inHarmony is changing people’s relationships with therapy. 
  • How cortisol and adrenaline affect rational thought.

Want to find out more about Craig and his work? Click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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