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In this episode, Gina Conley joins us to discuss returning to fitness after birth, training during pregnancy, and her latest book, Training for Two. As an experienced birth doula and founder of MamasteFit, Gina is an industry-leading perinatal fitness provider with a training facility located in Aberdeen, NC. She also holds an MS in Exercise Science and is a 7-year Army Veteran who served a combat tour in Afghanistan.

Gina simultaneously works as a trainer with perinatal fitness clients and facilitates births as a doula. By creating in-depth prenatal fitness programs, she works to support women recovering in postpartum – helping them return to their daily lives stronger than ever before…

Hit play to find out:

  • How Gina’s journey with pregnancy and birth reframed her understanding of fitness.
  • Safe and effective prenatal exercises designed to build strength, maintain fitness, and prepare your body for childbirth.
  • Common misconceptions about prenatal fitness.
  • How exercise during pregnancy positively impacts mental and physical health.

To learn more about Gina’s work with MamasteFit, click here now!

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