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In today’s episode, we connect with John Williams to discuss U.S. inflation, money supply, unemployment, GDP, and more. John is the founder of Shadow Stats, a platform that uncovers and scrutinizes the hidden flaws in U.S. government economic data and private-sector statistics. By offering a clear, unbiased assessment of the true economic and financial landscape, John is on a mission to provide others with accurate information – free from the distortions of financial-market trends and political agendas

John has been a private consulting economist and a specialist in government economic reporting for more than three decades. His early work in economic reporting landed him front-page stories in leading publications like The New York Times and Investor’s Business Daily. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics from Dartmouth College and a master’s degree in business administration from Dartmouth’s Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, where he was named an Edward Tuck Scholar.

Join the conversation now to discover:

  • The aggregate difference between consumer prices in the 1980s versus today.
  • Key factors impacting inflation, and the role that politics play in reported numbers.
  • How data has been manipulated for unemployment and inflation statistics.
  • Where to find reliable economic information.

To stay updated on current stats, be sure to subscribe to John’s email list by sending a message to

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