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In this episode, we sit down with Eric Usher, a seasoned tech innovator and expert in business development boasting over 15 years of experience across diverse industries. He joins us to discuss an intriguing topic: how to streamline legal firm operations with proven strategies.

Eric is the President of Legal AVA, a platform that provides highly trained and optimized virtual assistants to small law firms. He is also the CMO of Heraclius, a digital marketing and business development agency that serves the legal, healthcare, and tech sectors. With immense skills in marketing, advertising, and training, his passion for innovation has benefited legal professionals across the globe…

Listen now to explore:

  • How Eric got into the legal industry, and what he’s doing to innovate it.
  • What to look for when hiring virtual assistants.
  • Essential virtual assistant hiring techniques.
  • How VAs constantly learn and optimize their services.

Want to learn more about Eric and his unique approach to legal operations? Click here now!

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