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Rob Frizzell, co-founder and CEO of OmniPreSense (, delivers a detailed analysis of the sensor and monitoring market, and how new technology and improved short-range radar systems will bring efficiency and increased safety.

Frizzell is a seasoned technical marketing director with a reputation for bringing varied products to market. His wealth of business experience in multiple areas has allowed him to successfully navigate many competitive markets. Frizzell is an expert in project management, product launch, and translating products into customer design-ins, as well as revenue growth pricing strategy. He has worked with many successful companies and their powerhouse products including HP (tablets, notebooks), Asus (tablets, notebooks), Lenovo (tablets, notebooks), Sony (PS3, DTV), Samsung (DTV, smart phone), LG (DTV, smart phones, tablets) and Panasonic (DTV, BD player) as well as many others. Additionally, Frizzell is a technical expert with semiconductors covering touch MCU, RF, high-speed communications, power and flash memory. He has a strong passion for bringing products to market and helping businesses succeed.

Frizzell presents an overview of the work his company, OmniPreSense, is doing with short wave radar sensors. He states that his team saw a niche in the technical market as little attention was being given to radars, short-range radar as a sensor.
Frizzell ‘s Silicon Valley startup develops and sells short-range radar sensors for a myriad of practical applications and implementation with traffic monitoring, drones, robotics, and IoT (smart city, smart home) applications. IoT stands for ‘Internet of Things’ and it is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible via the internet.

OmniPreSense’s innovative solutions allow these systems to view the world in a millimeter wave spectrum. Frizzell states that safety is increased when smarter tech with improved operation lets systems act a bit like a camera, having knowledge about what’s out there, in front of it, etc.

The radar technology expert discusses the many markets, from drones to robotics, to traffic monitoring, etc. that can benefit from their short-range radar solutions. He states that in addition to the monitoring and coordination, the technology can provide real, hard data for users to implement into their future planning. And he gives an overview with specific examples of various radar designs that can be specialized and configured to specific tasks. He discusses the difficulties with drones due to regulations that are still being worked out with governing bodies. But he stresses that drones will certainly be flying overhead in large numbers, in the coming years.

Frizzell discusses smart cities and how the technology can revolutionize traffic movement and efficiency, as well as improve on safety. He provides specific examples related to traffic dangers that could be circumvented with smart cities technology. He details some useful information about the additional ‘awareness’ of smart cities technology, such as the ability to extend crosswalk timers to allow for elderly or others who may need extra time to safely cross an intersection. And on the other side of the coin, the awareness could possibly allow traffic to move quicker off the light by curtailing a crosswalk signal if all pedestrians have safely moved out of the crosswalk.

Frizzell’s team has more than 50 years of experience bringing products to market. The radar sensor expert details some of the exciting new features they plan to build into their technology in the coming years, and the many possibilities for improving the way we live and experience environments.

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