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Security Scorecard’ exclusive “SaaS” platform helps companies gain operational command of their security situation for themselves, partners and suppliers. It provides unceasing, non-intrusive checking for any wireless signals, and computer access points, regardless of the device – (HVAC, VOIP phone, computer, cell, etc)

The platform offers a picture of critical data points not obtainable from any other service provider, including a vast variety of risk classes such as Application Security, Malware, Patching Cadence, Network Security, Hacker Chatter, Social Engineering, and Passwords Exposed.

Alex Heid talks about SecurityScorecard being the only Security Rating that non-intrusively, widely calculates and examines all potential access points and threats to security, whether it’s in a C-suite office, a boardroom, conference room, factory floor, or other locations. Each factor analyzed encompasses of hundreds of user behavior patterns, security events, and other key data points.

So make sure you give this podcast a listen and while you are at it subscribe to Future Tech Podcast, to keep yourself in the spin. Contribute Bitcoin to fuel our interviews and keep us going!

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