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In this episode, we discuss sustainable art with Erin Smith, the CEO of Ocean Sole. Erin is an eco-advocate passionate about spreading conservation awareness in fun and creative ways.

Ocean Sole specializes in creating life-size endangered species replicas from flip flops. This is done in an effort to educate people on ocean health, positively impact low-income communities, and contribute to ocean conservation.

Ocean Sole is on a mission to clean polluted beaches and provide careers to artisans in affected areas. Located in Kenya, they are making a difference in local ecosystems and communities alike. What’s next for this unique social enterprise? Tune in now to learn more!

In this conversation, we cover:

  • The impacts of plastic pollution on marine life.
  • Why flip flops are so hard to recycle and reuse.
  • Different pieces of art that Ocean Sole creates.
  • The economic impact that Ocean Sole has on local communities.

You can find more on Ocean Sole by visiting their website!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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