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Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, founder of Tuit Nutrition (, provides an extensive overview of nutrition as it relates to good health, disease, cognition, and well being. Berger talks about her family medical history and her concern that there was a lot of disease in that history. She discusses how she grew up as a chubby child and how weight loss solutions that actually work are so important. She recounts her own personal experiences with weight, knowing what it’s like to feel upset when you are counting calories, eating low fat, and exercising, but you still aren’t losing the weight, and your energy and mood is incredibly low. And while Berger learned through her own experimentation that reducing sugar and total carbohydrate intake was the key to successful weight loss, she states that through her extensive research she has found that weight loss is actually the least impressive task that carbohydrate reduction can accomplish.

Berger is a certified nutrition specialist and nutritional therapy practitioner who served her country in the United States Air Force. Berger’s expertise comes through years of research into low-carbohydrate nutrition, which can help people take back their vitality while eating delicious foods. As Berger states, staying well doesn’t require anyone to starve themselves, deprive themselves of tasty foods, or spend every day at the gym working out constantly. Berger’s business has a strong online presence where she provides a wealth of insightful, detailed information on a wide swath of health and nutrition-oriented topics, from metabolism and weight loss to insulin-related topics, thyroid function, and much more. Berger is the author of The Alzheimer’s Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline, a must-read for anyone who is concerned with improving health, vitality, and cognition, and finding ways to fight disease. She holds a master’s degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport.

Berger discusses her extensive research into what she refers to as “nutritional intervention” that can potentially support brain health and assist those who have Alzheimer’s disease. She mentions that those who implement certain nutritional changes in their diet see noticeable improvement in cognition, behavior, and memory. She discusses the science behind the cellular conditions that arise which create a sort of “energy crisis in the brain.” She talks about how cells that aren’t getting energy from glucose anymore can still, remarkably, get energy from ketones. Ketones are a hybrid energy source and Berger states that they are the key to many issues.

Berger gives an incredibly detailed overview of insulin issues and discusses how normal blood sugar can still contain extremely high levels of insulin, which can potentially cause gout, hypertension, and more. Thus, many people who aren’t actually diabetic can still have lots of chronic health issues due to high insulin levels.

Berger discusses hyperthyroidism and the issues that pertain to it, such as depression, inability to lose weight regardless of exercise and proper diet, hair loss, a feeling of being cold constantly, constipation and more. And she talks about the dietary myths that exist about various foods, especially proteins. And sadly, as Berger mentions, many doctors are simply not providing adequate testing to truly understand some patient’s issues related to the thyroid.

The nutrition expert discusses ketosis in depth and how it works for the body. She expounds upon the topics of fat consumption, variability in individuals, and measures people can take to ensure they are getting the most from ketosis. She talks about how some people get hung up on the ratios in their diet, but that each person needs to look at their diet and consider the issues individually, as everybody is unique to some degree.

As Berger’s voluminous research has shown, there are many myths that exist in regard to how the body processes food and what nutritional habits can or cannot do. And many times the key to understanding obesity, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, mood disorders, and other health issues lies in getting a deeper understanding of our bodies in relation to our diet.

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