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When your house loses power, it’s irritating, even problematic. But what if the power outage is scaled up—across the region, state, or even nation? That’s what keeps Colin Gounden awake at night.

Gounden is CEO of Via Science, a company that develops software solutions that help identify risks to a given area’s critical infrastructure. AI can help this by processing given data to help decisions get made. Yet, there are critical limitations to AI’s abilities that still need solving before this shows efficacy.

Gounden also explains “explainable AI” and how it could help fix “algorithm aversion”, brought on perhaps in part by the AI’s inability to understand causal concepts that any 3-year-old can. Finally, find out why he astoundingly likens the current state of AI to the state of the Internet in the mid-1990s.

Here’s what else you’ll hear:

  • A major drawback of AI and why one associated aspect of it may never be solved in our lifetime
  • HowWar Games, The Terminator, and The Matrix all perpetuate a certain “machine intelligence” myth that Via Science hopes to erase by combining and implementing two specific elements
  • Why and how AI has come so far in the last 5-10 years after little progress in the previous 50, including a breakthrough based on the mathematical concepts of uncertainty

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