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In this informative podcast, Robert K. Logan, the noted author of The Extended Mind: The Emergence of Language, the Human Mind, and Culture, talks about human intelligence, language, and communication.

Logan holds a BS and Ph.D. from MIT. He completed two post-doctoral appointments as a Research Associate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and at the University of Toronto.

As a physics professor with an inquisitive mind, Logan has spent a lifetime studying the important elements of the human mind, and how we use our language, and intelligence. Logan talks about his idea of ‘the sixth language,’ which was the foundation for his book, The Sixth Language: Learning a Living in the Internet Age.

The professor and author explain that the six languages are comprised of the following: speech, writing, math, science, computing, and the internet. He talks about how each developed and emerged, as well as their relative impacts on society and culture.

Logan discusses a possible seventh language, which as he states could be ‘social media,’ ‘artificial intelligence,’ or maybe the smartphones we use daily that have irrevocably changed how we interact with each other as human beings. As Logan states, human intelligence is not merely the possession of information, but it’s about our curiosity, our interest in knowing and understanding.

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