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After Dinesh Thankur discovered the failings of a generic drug manufacturer in India, he’s been on a campaign for change. When you listen to this discussion, you’ll learn

  • Why overseas drug companies are able to get away with producing these spurious drugs.
  • How the middle player in the United States generic drug market, the Pharmacy Benefit Manager, keeps the harmful system in play, dodging pharmaceutical quality assurance.

  • What steps you can take to make small yet significant changes in our policy that might prevent these fraudulent practices. 

A pharmaceutical expert, Mr. Thakur discovered a company in India that hired him was falsifying data and practicing substandard manufacturing techniques with generic drugs. He left the company and helped the US FDA put the company through criminal prosecution.

In this podcast, he discusses these efforts and other problems with the lack of oversight for pharmaceutical quality assurance of generic drugs produced overseas.

Featured in the book Bottle of Lies by journalist Katherine Eban, Mr. Thakur has continued his activism within the current generic drug consumption in the U.S. He discusses the holes in the system, such as difficulties in inspecting an overseas manufacturer, and how the lack of power Medicaid holds in negotiating drug prices produces further roadblocks.

He offers some tenable actions the average citizen can make to prevent the manufacture of these spurious drugs and shares his expertise on how small changes could improve the potentially dangerous generic drugs in our market.

For more about Dinesh Thakur and his contact information, see

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