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The ixo Foundation is filling a vital need in the realm of sustainable development and social impact projects around the world by providing a blockchain-based protocol that allows for the evaluation and measurement of social impact while requiring accountability and transparency from service providers.

Backed by UNICEF, ixo is in the midst of a pilot project in South Africa that is digitizing and providing proof of preschool attendance records, which is allowing the preschool to receive subsidies from the Western Cape Government.

As it stands, evaluation costs eat up 5-7% of a project’s budget.

In addition, the data that results are often inaccurate, untrustworthy or simply presented in an unusable format. The ixo Foundation is changing all of this.

But that’s not all: the ixo protocol allows for private investors to receive a return on capital if pre-agreed outcomes are met for a project.

“Once you have the data of where the money is going… you can turn that into its own kind of crypto asset that these projects can trade…and that’s where we think crypto and blockchain can contribute a lot towards opening up capital markets for social finance,” says Wang.

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