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Can world religions possibly share more similarities than we may have thought? The similarities may surprise us if we look back at ancient religions and trace them through history. Listen up to learn:

  • Why comparing religions can be dangerous
  • What inspired the formation of religious texts
  • How religious study can impact students

Yair Lior, Ph.D. of religious studies in the department of religion at Boston University, shares his research and study in comparative religion and its science.

While many of the major world religions today may appear vastly different at first glance, they may share ancient similarities branching from distant commonalities. Especially when considering beliefs in the distant past before modern religious ideas, we can begin to uncover the similarities which branch from unexpected practices.

If we begin to separate ourselves from where we base our religious beliefs, we can adopt an analytical mindset when studying the world of religion.

Moreover, by introducing exploration and education into current beliefs, it may even strengthen the beliefs we currently hold, allowing us to explore deeper than we previously believed.

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