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Have you ever wondered what it takes to produce your favorite beer?

Well, it turns out that it requires a fair amount of scientific research to create a decent brew. In this episode, we chat with John Sheppard about exactly what this looks like for both craft and major breweries alike…

John is a Professor in the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences at NC State where he teaches in the Bioprocessing Science major with particular interests in upstream processes and validation. With his many years of experience as a research scientist in this subject, John has cultivated an in-depth understanding of the biological processes associated with beer fermentation.

Join the conversation to uncover:

  • John’s past “Eureka moments” of research discovery.
  • How major brewing companies approach scientific research and refinement.
  • The metrics and components that contribute to aroma and flavor in beer.
  • How consumers interact with breweries’ products.

Click here to learn more about John and his work!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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