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With cancer being one of the leading causes of death worldwide, there has been an incredibly diverse amount of research done on how to treat and control it.


Danny Welch, Professor of Cancer Biology at University of Kansas Medical Center and Associate Director for Career Development at The Cancer Center has a lot of exciting discoveries about his intensive research on the relationship between cancer and genetic properties.  

Listen now to discover:

  • How genetic research is showing to possibly stop cancer cell replication
  • What existing genes in your body suppress cancer cells 
  • The interconnectivity between microbiome and cancer cells

Is cancer controllable? Danny Welch’s research is increasingly showing that cancer may be able to be controlled as a chronic disease rather than a deadly disease using genetics.


Hear about Danny Welch’s short and long-term plans, and learn about his prestigious cancer efforts in this fascinating podcast!

Find out more about Danny Welch’s work at

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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