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Medtech Impact on Wellness

What are the benefits of balancing and enhancing your hormone levels? In this episode, Ricky Brandon sits down to discuss how he has changed the lives of countless people with his distinct approach to health and wellness…

Ricky Brandon is the Founder and Owner of Hormone Balance Centers, a company that specializes in using “bio-identical hormone therapy” to restore and maintain optimal hormone levels.

As a health and wellness advocate, Ricky is committed to finding the highest level of medical care available for the people who need it most. After years of trial and error, Ricky and his wife discovered the many benefits of hormone balancing – a medical approach that treats the root cause of health conditions.

Listen now to explore:

  • The benefits of allowing doctors to practice medicine the way they want to – not the way they have to.
  • Common issues that stem from hormone imbalances.
  • Hormone deficiencies that tend to cause health problems.
  • The importance of taking supplements that properly absorb into your body.

To learn more about Hormone Balance Centers click here, and to get a free copy of Ricky’s book, Do your Hormone have you Draggin’, Saggin’ and Naggin, click here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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