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ConsenSys Capital is the world’s largest software engineering company dedicated to building, improving and implementing blockchain technology. According to Andrew Keys, co-founder of ConsenSys Capital, blockchain technology represents the next generation of data bases, the internet and cloud computing and has triggered a “macro-horizontal disruption” of all industries.

With over 400 team members world-wide, ConsenSys provides consultations to governments and businesses on how to incorporate blockchain technology. In addition, ConsenSys provides a constellation of financial services technologies and service offerings including a venture capital fund, the next generation of investment banking or equity crowd funding through a unique platform called Token Foundry, and various asset management strategies.

According to Keys, ConsenSys has a broader holistic view of blockchain technology and considers the technology to still be in its “opening act.

” Keys predicts blockchain technology is going to upgrade the planet Earth’s financial, social, and political operating systems.

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