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Justin’s background as a dental technician and the owner of his own clinic, led to Arfona and 3D printed dentures. Dentures made in traditional dental labs are a time consuming and expensive process, but no longer, because of 3D printing. Flexible polymers have been used by dental professionals for years. The advancements in 3D printing have created an entirely new way to fabricate partial dentures and full dentures.

Arfona produces 3D flexible partials through an additive manufacturing process using their r.Pod™ dual extrusion printer. These flexible partials are combined with custom milled denture teeth for a functional product that looks great.

CAD/CAM dentures have been available for several years, but not widely used due to cost limitations. Arfona offers dental labs several options for producing digital full dentures. Justin’s father, also a dentist, invented Valplast, the material used in making dental prosthetics; he also started Master Touch Dental Lab. Valplast is the material used in the r.Pod™ for dental applications and Master Touch Lab is used by Arfona to develop and test new materials and 3D printing applications.

The  r.Pod™ is in production and will soon be available to the public via the website

To learn more about the company and its offering listen to the complete interview and make sure to subscribe, share and review this podcast.

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