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Associate professor of sport and exercise physiology, Brendan Egan, PhD has studied physiology and nutrition since he was an undergraduate student.

On today’s episode, he discusses how training and nutritional interventions can help slow the loss and decline of muscle mass, function, and strength in ageing adults.

Tune in to learn the following:

  • At what ages muscle mass, muscle strength, and aerobic fitness tend to start decreasing, and what types of exercise and diet-related interventions can help
  • Why it can be challenging for adults to consume the recommended amount of protein per meal, and some innovative ideas for addressing this
  • What Dr. Egan has learned from working with elite athletes, and how it’s translated to his work with older adults

“I don’t think there’s an example of a society or a population that’s physically inactive and healthy. We have to acknowledge that physical activity is imperative to health when it comes to the human condition,” says Dr. Egan.

He explains that while an adult—without the appropriate interventions—can lose 30 to 50 percent of their muscle mass between the ages of 40 to 80, it is a process that ultimately tapers out.

In contrast, muscle strength and function can decline until a person is rendered unable to take care of themselves or even walk. For this reason, he and his group are primarily focused on interventions that address and slow the decline of muscle strength and function that occurs with age.

Dr. Egan talks about the importance of resistance and strength-based training and extra protein intake in slowing the decline of muscle function and strength. He explains that some people can benefit even from a single hour of strength training per week, while others might require more frequent training sessions.

Press play for the full conversation and view Dr. Egan’s profile at


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