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Ilan Morad, Ph.D., founder, and CEO of Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. ( discusses drug discovery and development on the cellular level.

Morad has been fascinated with biology most of his life and began practicing molecular biology and biochemistry in 1984. He is a noted expert in gene cloning, protein engineering, purification, and characterization, as well as drug discovery and development. Morad’s company, Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBI) is a development-stage biopharmaceutical company primarily engaged in the discovery and development of various therapeutic peptides and has developed an innovative combinatorial biology screening platform technology.

Morad discusses the origin of his company, AEBI. He details their groundbreaking screening platform and explains how it works. Their platform provides functional leads to extremely difficult targets, not merely those that best bind with the target. AEBI’s novel technology that goes by the name, SoAP, allows them to develop drugs for many illnesses, among them cancer, and Morad expects to completely transform the drug discovery R&D phase by seriously reducing the attrition rate of any new drug candidates.

As Morad explains, peptides are microproteins. He elaborates on these and other building blocks and where they are produced and how. He discusses how they make large numbers of synthetic peptides and how they isolate them for research and development. Further, he expounds upon the roles of various peptides within the body. He discusses drug resistance, side effects of drugs, and cancer treatment. Digging deeper, he explains the properties of cancer and how the disease reacts to certain treatment, drugs, etc. Morad relates some of his thoughts on drug successes, such as the drug cocktail that has solved the problem of HIV for many patients. And as he states, drug cocktails are a possibility for other diseases. He details how cancer cells work and explains the related probabilities.

The biology expert continues his discussion of cancer and peptides. He explains how toxic peptides can be utilized to poison cells and kill them very efficiently. This strategy shows great promise for future treatment. And he explains how immune systems work and how they recognize molecules, giving special attention to how cancer cells are targeted. Wrapping up, Morad talks about the expectations for his company and the areas they are expecting to make strides in as they move into the future. Finally, Morad talks about upcoming clinical trials and his expectations for the new cocktails and peptides.

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