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Online shopping these days is more popular than ever, with many people relying on content sites for product reviews and recommendations before deciding to make purchases.

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But with Google Search and Amazon having a monopoly over the direction of product links within publisher articles, along with an over-reliance on banner ads leading consumers to install ad blockers, the publishers who provide consumers with valuable content reviews are losing revenue.

This is where Narrativ steps in, a company that’s utilizing AI to allow multiple advertisers to bid to get connected with publisher content, freeing publishers from the burden of making deals with advertisers themselves or worrying about which retailer actually carries the product.

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This is also providing consumers with a wider range of websites that are selling the product they’re interested in. By identifying more websites and retailers that are willing to pay to have their name injected into a content article, Narrativ is ensuring that consumers will be directed to websites that have products in stock, and locating retailers with the best rates–ultimately increasing revenue for content publishers.

Since using Narrativ’s links for the majority of the products they review, New York Magazine’s content commerce site, The Strategist, has seen a significant increase in revenue.

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