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After working in the travel industry, and seeing firsthand the problems and inefficiencies that can arise from centralized, monopolistic industry practices, Winding Tree was founded in order to change how the travel industry functions.

The founders realized that blockchain could be used to solve some of the biggest problems, including industry domination by a handful of distributors and high fees charged in order to list inventory for sale. Travel suppliers can integrate with the Winding Tree platform to list available inventory, and then travel startups and point-of-sale locations, such as travel agents, can integrate with the platform and sell inventory directly to consumers.

Winding Tree is a non-profit and doesn’t charge fees to use their platform, which helps keep costs low and everyone working towards the goal of a more efficient travel industry. A prototype has been published through Githubthat is available for testing.

Winding Tree plans to begin an ICO in early February 2018, after issues with changing regulations in Switzerland pushed back their start date from last November. Pedro also briefly discusses what he sees as the future of the travel industry.

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