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Meet Steven Cornett, an expert in regenerative agriculture, market gardening, homesteading, livestock, and everything else DIY. As the founder of Nature’s Always Right, he has a primary goal: to share his passion for growing and gardening with others. Publishing content on YouTube, Instagram, and other platforms, Steven provides tips and tricks on how to grow veggies, build soil, raise chickens, and care for trees using 100% natural techniques.

Nature is the perfect example of sustainability, and Steven is on a mission to learn these systems and work in harmony with them. Would the world be a better place if more people knew these valuable techniques? Steven thinks so, and he joins us to explain why…

Jump in now to discover:

  • The key benefits associated with home gardening.
  • The many methods that allow you to make your own fertilizers, inoculants, pesticides, and more.
  • The nutritional differences between hydroponic and soil-grown plants.
  • How to improve soil health in efficient and cost-effective ways.

You can follow along and support Steven’s work by visiting his website!

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