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Today we discuss the “new frontier” of health and wellness: gut science. With all that the gut does for our bodies as a whole, it’s about time we take proper care of it. In this episode, we learn how to do just that with molecular and microbiology expert Sunny Jain.


Sunny is the CEO and Founder of Sun Genomics, a company that provides probiotics tailored to your gut. This distinct approach to gut health allows users to get the most out of their probiotic use.


With 25 years of experience following the development of genomics, Sunny has gained a well-informed perspective on gut health – and he’s committed to bringing this knowledge to the public… 

This episode is sponsored by The Daily Tonic. The Daily Tonic is a five-minute newsletter that shares science-backed health news and tips, all while getting you to crack a smile or even laugh out loud on occasion. To subscribe, go to and click on The Daily Tonic button at the top of the webpage .Did you know many of favorite products — like avocado oil mayonnaise, hydrating ketone water, and skin-revitalizing red light lamps – are featured on The Daily Tonic with discount code s? The Daily Tonic also features new wellness products with special discounts every single day. To subscribe, go to and click on The Daily Tonic button at the top of the webpage.

Click play to discover:

  • What sets Sun Genomics products apart from generic probiotics.
  • What “full genome sequencing” is, and what it can tell you about your gut.
  • The many parts of the body that the gut impacts.

  • Why “competitive inhibition” occurs as the body reacts to beneficial probiotics.

To get ahold of Sun Genomic’s probiotics for yourself, visit now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:


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