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Today, connect with Mitchell J. Neubert, the senior associate dean of Research and Faculty Development for the Hankamer School of Business, the Chavanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Business, and a professor of Management at Baylor University. 

With a Ph.D. in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior, Mitchell specializes in leadership development, ethics, team dynamics, and organizational change – all in the context of spirituality and business.

So, are there benefits of combining Christianity and business? With years of experience in this field, Mitchell sits down to enlighten us…

In this conversation, we cover:

  • How Mitchell’s faith plays into his research and teaching at Baylor. 
  • What “spiritual capital” is, and how it contributes to business predictions. 
  • How faith and resilience are connected. 

To learn more about Mitchell and his work, click here now!

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