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Why has the opioid epidemic caused so many deaths? Patients refusing to follow doctors’ orders can lead to dangerous and deadly drug interactions. Listen in to learn:

  • What makes alcohol and opioids a fatal combo
  • How a new drug may be able to curb overdoses
  • How doctors can help support their patients

Dr. Michael Presti, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic-trained neurologist and the CEO of SafeRX Pharmaceuticals, shares his work on a new additive into pharmaceuticals that may help reduce the risk of overdose.

The opioid crisis has swept the nation, leading to a staggering rise in addiction and overdose.

However, if patients are able to stay abreast of alcohol while taking their prescription, some danger can be reduced.

With a long-overlooked treatment for alcoholism, the addition into opioid tablets and pills may curb one’s appetite for drink.

While this does not present a cure for the opioid epidemic, it may play a significant part in harm reduction moving forward.

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